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Knights Ferry News June 4, 2014
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Don’t forget Thursday, June 5th is the Community Club dinner meeting at 6:30 at the clubhouse.


The Third and Fourth Grades at Knights Ferry School went to Sacramento for their end of the year field trip. One of the best things was the bus ride. Many had not been on a bus before. Dakota Voortman enjoyed seeing the Capitol and the legislature in action. The Assembly passed a bill while they were there. Xavier Olvera liked Sutter’s Fort. Mason O’Neil also liked the Fort and its gun shop. Jackson Ault learned about politics. Grace Harden enjoyed the Indian Museum and the Indian flute. Emalee Watson learned the Indian canoes were made with a heart and kidneys (spirits). Luke Dickens liked Sutter’s Fort and where gold was discovered and the tiny baskets that the Indians made. Vincent Peterson liked that the museum artifacts were labeled. Ben Cassinetto learned the Indians ate mostly acorns. Deagan Sweet liked going on the scavenger hunt. River McCarthy was impressed with the beehive oven for baking (orno) and the blanket factory. It was a great trip!


Hanna Martinelli Holland was given a graduation party Saturday evening by her family. It was held on the lawn of Bill and Kay Martinelli. Hanna will be going to Humboldt State and would like to be a speech pathologist. Decorations included scrapbooks of Hanna’s school years compiled by mom Megan and softball pictures of her outstanding games. There were a lot of friends and family enjoying the good food and socialization. Knights Ferry sends Hanna best wishes in all she does!


Knights Ferry School ended its third trimester with Renaissance awards. For 3rd trimester 4.0 GPA were Dean Dodge, Matt Wolf, Wyatt Dickens, Kaeli Sweet, Julia Nilsson and Ray Patton. 3.5 GPA and up were Marcada Baker, Denali Benson, Nicole Brunker, Olivia Doshas, Brooks Bonde, Eden Cassinetto and Alyssa Sisco. 3.0 to 3.4 GPA were Dylan Anderson, Luke Dickens, Dakota Voortman, Mitzy Collantes, Makena Mendonca, Destiny Machado, Jazzlynn Velasquez, Mikali Willis, Tyden Baker, Brandi Cardey, Angel Limon, Austin Santillo, Jose Garcia, Sergio Garcia, Aleesha Harden, Clay Heffington, Alondra Machado and Kylee Sisco. Congratulations to all!


Kindergarten held an Accomplishment Ceremony and those receiving certificates were: Bryce Anderson, Charlee Birdsong, Maya Camara, Holly Conde, Maddie Dickens, Nicholas Gonzalez, Joshua Maceira, Tristan McCarthy and Tristan Voortman.


Your reporter was the recipient of the “Birthday Song” at the 50’s Roadhouse and the Odd Fellows breakfast. Somebody snitched!