There was a large turnout for the Community Club dinner last Thursday. After the good food was eaten, President Linda Morris discussed the annual Ground Hog Dinner and White Elephant Raffle. This year’s date is February 5th at 6 p.m. at the clubhouse. Chef Chris will prepare the main dish and attendees will bring sides, salads or desserts. The main thing is to bring some unwrapped white elephant gifts. Start looking now (your reporter has found a goodie!) And yes, the shell wind chimes will be back! After the business meeting, the speaker, Jim Sanders, was introduced. He was an ambulance driver in WWII. He took the Queen Mary to England and was on the coast on D-Day. The soldiers didn’t know about the concentration camps and General Patton and Eisenhower wanted them to see them. Jim arrived at Buchenwald three days after it had been liberated and showed pictures of the camp. Very graphic! He has written his memoirs. He and his wife, Marion, have been back twice to the 50th and 65th reunion of the liberation. Next Norm Ham showed a movie his uncle had taken (he was in the Signal Corp.) of Paris after it was liberated and the entire party going on. It was a very interesting and informative meeting.
Birthday greetings for the month of January go out to: Heather Wright, Sean McCarthy, Barbara Burroughs, Kevin Burns, Heather Brockman, Wayne Largent, Sherron McCarthy, Jonathan Amaral, Amy Simons, Alexis Arias, Stella Flodman, Logan Martinelli, Emma Fallentine, Angel Limon, Kaeli Sweet, Jocelyn Burke, Madison Page, Sophie Jones, Shaye Spani, Trenton Foster, Ric Feichter, Joe Murray, Larry Bell, Sam Page, Matthew Boyer, Emily Dubiel, Elijah Elting, Maribel Limon, Ashley Caron, Ben Cassinetto, Mitzy Collantes and Brooks Bonde.
A big thanks to Tim McKinsey for removing trees and doing backhoe work at the school!
On the subject of trees, the overhanging limbs around Miller’s Hall have been trimmed back.
Going through back columns, this from January 2000: The town was against the Sierra Conservation Center’s plans to build a pipeline and dump their treated sewer water in the Stanislaus River above Knights Ferry (We won). Also, the old wall at the Community Church was in danger of falling and a new wall needed (done).