Batten down the hatches! Sheatherfest 2019 is coming to town! The music will begin on September 13th at 8pm at the Knights Ferry Saloon with musicians including Sam Chase and Willy Tea. On Saturday, September 14th, the music will begin at 2pm at the Rivers Edge with musicians including Jordan Smart, Chris Doud and the Salvage Co, and the Turkey Buzzards. The final day, Sunday, September 15th, the music will be back at the Knights Ferry Saloon at 1pm with musicians including Tiffany Rose and the Outlaw Hearts. The Knights Ferry Saloon will be cash only for the evening and attendees must be 21 or older and Saturday’s show at the Rivers Edge is available for all ages.
The Community Club is hosting a Community Yard Sale on October 6, 2019 from 7am-2pm. The sale will take place on the Odd Fellows tennis court area (next to the Community Club). Call Megan Peterson 209-402-4761 to reserve your free spot! In addition to the yard sale, the Odd Fellows will have their monthly pancake breakfast so there will be plenty of foot traffic to sell your goodies!
If you have items for the Knights Ferry News column, contact Nastasia Sweet at