Happy birthday: Heather Wright, Sean McCarthy, Barbara Burroughs, Alexis Arias, Logan Kerr, Kaeli Sweet, Madison Page, Rick Feichter, Joe Murray, Larry Bell, Sam Page, Matthew Boyer, Ben Cassinetto, Heather Voortman, Sonia Conde, Jessica Martinez, Naya Morua, Nathaly Ramirez, Ruth Basmajian, and Rose Basmajian!
The Knights Ferry Art Studio is processing native clay for their ceramics program. All ages are welcome to come down to the art studio on February 1st from 12pm-3pm to help and learn the process. The Knights Ferry Art Studio is celebrating young artists! If you are a young artist and would like to showcase your artwork, contact the Knights Ferry Art Studio at 209-247-7643 or knightsferryartstudio@gmail.com for more information. The art exhibition will be on March 14th from 4pm-7pm at the Art Studio in Knights Ferry.
Do you have any exciting Knights Ferry local news to share? Contact Nastasia Sweet at nastasiasweet25@gmail.com.
Upcoming events: Odd Fellows Pancake Breakfast Feb. 2nd at 8am, Odd Fellows Stanislaus #170 on Feb. 4th at 7pm