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Knead to Know in the business of teaching sourdough
Melissa DeSignori of Knead to Know Sourdough looks forward to sharing her knowledge with clients in a class setting. Photo By Teresa Hammond

Some might say Melissa DeSignori’s love for teaching and sourdough bread is on the rise.

DeSignori has recently partnered with Boutiques at Tiffany’s and launched Knead to Know Sourdough.

“Last year I started the whole sourdough journey from watching it on TikTok and I was like I have to try it,” DeSignori said of creating a starter and making her own sourdough bread.

The new business owner explained she’s the type of person who enjoys trying new things and mastering them. Upon that point she’ll either stick with it or return to it eventually.

“This just kind of stuck,” she said of learning to make her own bread.

Early on in the baking process, the new to sourdough baker would share her creations with family and neighbors. Her skill began being encouraged by many to sell her creation of sourdough bread with add-ins of varying flavors.

Prior to deciding to possibly sell it, she traveled to visit her mother. With sourdough starter in hand, DeSignori also provided a guide she printed with step-by-step instructions.

“I’m always thinking, my brain is always going,” she said. “My guide was so step by step and easy to follow that I decided I was going to have it bound.”

In the case of sourdough, however, DeSignori quickly learned while she enjoys the baking process, she had a bigger passion for teaching it to others.

Speaking with Tiffany, owner of Boutiques at Tiffany’s the sourdough enthusiast learned of a space for lease with potential.

“I noticed that so many people are into sourdough, but you can’t really go anywhere in Oakdale to pick up the tools that you need for sourdough,” she said of the space, where she now sells retail items, as well as hosts classes.

When not in use for classes, the space at the back of the 122 N. Third Ave., Oakdale location also serves as a retail space of home, kitchen and sourdough baking items.

Currently working on acquiring her Cottage license, DeSignori plans to eventually sell sourdough weekly. She also offers made to order charcuterie boards for those hosting parties, events or looking for something fun to bring to a gathering.

“Right now we have mostly the sourdough classes are what we’ll be offering. That’s going to be a big portion of it,” she said. “We’re also wanting to do some community involvement and have younger kids in here to make certain things that are kid appropriate. Have some ‘Mommy and Me’ things.”

Classes will vary from making dipping sauces, bread and gift ideas. Classes can host between six to 12 participants.

Sourdough classes include each step of the sourdough process and students will leave with a loaf of bread baked by DeSignori at the conclusion of the event. Attendees will learn how to make a starter, make a recipe, a stretch and fold, fermentation, wrapping and scoring.

“I will have bread already prepared that they can take home,” she said. “At the end of the class they’ll take home a step-by-step guide that they have learned, they’ll take home a starter. They can decide if they want a dehydrated starter, because maybe they decide they’re not quite ready to start the journey or they can have a ready to go starter.”

Classes will be hosted evenings and weekends.

“Another thing I want to offer here. Tiffany and I have talked about it,” she continued. “If people want to rent my space, because I have the nice counter and all the seating. They can rent my space if they want to.”

The business is also slowly evolving.

“We’re not officially selling bread at this point,” DeSignori stated, noting the baking of the bread will take place in her home kitchen. “We’re looking at doing one bread a week once the Cottage license comes in. Releasing it and being able to sell it in store.”

Starting Knead to Know Sourdough in mid-January, the business owner shared everything has fallen into place pretty effortlessly.

“I’m not a gate keeper kind of person. I figure if I can do it, you can do it. I just like to share and show everybody. I think it’s something great for Oakdale and it brings women together.”

For information on classes, to order charcuterie boards or inquire about renting the space, interested parties can do so at: email; on the sourdough phone (209) 840-0003 or on their Facebook and Instagram social media pages.