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Greenhouse-Gas Free Electricity From Utility

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) customers received 96 percent greenhouse gas-free electricity in 2022, making PG&E’s mix of electricity sources among the cleanest in the world.

In 2022, approximately 40 percent of PG&E’s total electricity delivered to customers came from specified eligible-renewable resources including biopower, small hydroelectric, solar and wind power, according to PG&E’s recent Form 10-K1. PG&E customers also received 49 percent of electricity deliveries from carbon-free nuclear power generated by Diablo Canyon Power Plant, and seven percent from large hydroelectric power.

PG&E strongly supports California’s clean energy policies, renewable goals, and efforts to limit, adapt to and reverse the impacts of climate change. PG&E was the first energy company to support the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, which set the stage for the state’s transition to a sustainable, low-carbon future. The company is planning to exceed the state’s renewable and carbon-free requirements under Senate Bill 100, which requires 60 percent renewables by 2030 and 100 percent renewables and zero-carbon resources by 2045.

PG&E took another step last year, releasing its Climate Strategy Report, an action plan to meet California’s aggressive carbon neutrality goals five years early in 2040, and actively remove more greenhouse gases than it emits by 2050.

“PG&E is proud of our clean energy leadership, and we know there is more to do. We see a path to decarbonizing our economy at the lowest societal cost and are actively supporting California’s progress along this path. We’re committed to accelerating the continued growth of renewable energy, unleashing the full potential of electric vehicles and battery storage, and reducing emissions across the energy economy,” said Patti Poppe, Chief Executive Officer, PG&E Corporation.

Large-scale solar energy accounts for the largest portion of PG&E’s total renewable energy power mix. The company has over 260 Renewables Portfolio Standard-eligible power purchase contracts, totaling over 6,000 megawatts (MW) of renewable energy. According to the California Independent System Operator (ISO), one MW produces roughly enough electricity to power 750 homes. PG&E also owns 430 MW of eligible-renewable generation, including 277 MW of small hydroelectric, and 13 solar generation facilities located mainly in the Central Valley, which generate up to 153 MW of clean power.

Additionally, PG&E has connected more than 700,000 customers with rooftop solar to the electric grid, and supports customers with resources before, during and after they go solar. One in every five solar rooftops in the country is in PG&E’s service area.

PG&E also continues to invest in battery energy storage on behalf of its customers. Battery storage enhances overall grid reliability, integrates renewable energy, and helps customers save energy and money. According to the ISO, currently there are times during the middle of the day when California’s renewable resources can generate more electricity than customers can use. Battery energy storage allows PG&E and other utilities to store excess solar or wind power for use later.

The company now has contracts for battery energy storage projects totaling more than 3,000 MW of capacity being deployed throughout California through 2025. Of that, more than 1,200 MW of new battery storage capacity has already been connected to the state’s electric grid.

The transportation sector is California’s largest source of GHG emissions, contributing over 40 percent of the state’s overall emissions. Powering vehicles with electricity that is increasingly sourced from zero-emission resources like solar energy—which is plentiful during the day— is one of the most impactful measures the state can take to reduce GHG emissions and other pollutants.

Nearly 500,000 electric vehicles (EV) have been sold in PG&E’s service area, representing one in seven EVs in the country. As part of the 2030 targets outlined in its Climate Strategy Report, the company is preparing the grid to quickly and safely power at least 3 million EVs.

PG&E is also working to enable as many of those EVs as possible to participate in vehicle-to-grid integration programs to support grid reliability and climate resilience. These programs include charging during periods of the day when energy costs and emissions are lower. PG&E is also working to enable bidirectional charging, in which EV batteries can power a customer’s home when needed or send electricity back to the grid during high demand periods when PG&E would otherwise rely on natural gas-fired generation. This kind of smart charging and discharging of EVs is also a more efficient use of grid infrastructure, as it uses excess grid capacity during lower demand periods.