The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District is changing their fees at all of their recreation areas in California. The fee change, which keeps pace with other recreation facilities in the surrounding area, is the result of the increased cost of maintaining recreation facilities due to the continued rise in inflation.
Starting Jan. 1, 2023, day use fees for all Sacramento District projects will increase from $5 to $10; camping fees at Pine Flat Dam and Lake’s Island Park Campground group sites will increase from $100 per night to $135 per night; and the previously free Kings River Wildlife Area at Pine Flat will now be $10 for day-use and $50 for a special use fee permit.
“We know the fee change may surprise many of our regular visitors, but it’s a necessary change we have to make in order for us to keep our facilities in the best possible condition and to give people an experience similar to what they would enjoy at nearby recreation areas. Visitors can also buy an annual federal park pass at our project offices that can offset the costs of multiple visits to our recreation areas,” said Senior District Ranger Alicia Unsinn.
Here are the facilities where the fee changes will occur:
Black Butte Lake near Orland;
Englebright Lake near Marysville;
Martis Creek Lake near Truckee;
New Hogan Lake near Valley Springs;
Stanislaus River Parks near Oakdale;
Eastman and Hensley Lakes near Madera;
Pine Flat Lake near Fresno;
Lake Kaweah near Visalia;
Success Lake near Porterville.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recreation use fee program recovers a portion of the cost of administering, operating, maintaining, and improving specialized recreation facilities. The program helps manage public use more effectively to preserve resources and reduce overcrowding. Additionally, it supports the national economy through quality recreational experiences, deters vandalism and other disruptive behavior, and fosters responsible use from recreation area visitors.