Stanislaus County is following the California state Face Covering Mandate requiring all Californians to wear a face covering, which took effect Thursday, June 18.
“While a local order won’t be issued, we encourage everyone to follow this guidance and do our part in stopping the spread. Wearing a face-covering is an easy way to protect one another and prevent the spread of COVID-19,” Stanislaus County Public Health officials noted.
To learn more about the state mandate visit: California Department of Public Health.
As of Monday, June 22 at 4:45 p.m., the updated figures for Stanislaus County showed 1,639 positive cases of coronavirus with 37 deaths in the county attributed to the virus. There were also 1,181 cases and 23,196 negative tests.
According to Oakdale City Manager Bryan Whitemyer, the city is following the same protocols as the county and adhering to the state issued guidelines.
Again, officials noted that while no formal order is in place, it is in everyone’s best interest to wear face coverings and continue to adhere to social distancing protocols and good personal hygiene as ways to protect yourself from COVID-19.