March may be most synonymous with the start of spring and St. Patrick’s Day, but there’s much more to the third month of the calendar year. The following are notable events that occurred in the month of March throughout history.
March 1: The Articles of Confederation are established in 1791. Nine years later, Congress would authorize the first United States Census on this date.
March 2: Fans are treated to a sci-fi masterpiece when images of a giant gorilla first appear in the film ‘King Kong,’ which premiered in New York in 1933.
March 3: Telephone inventor Alexander Graham Bell is born in Edinburgh, Scotland. In March of 1876, he electronically transmitted sounds.
March 4: In 1681, King Charles II of England grants a large parcel of land in the New World to William Penn to settle an outstanding debt. That area would later become Pennsylvania.
March 5: The Boston Massacre occurs in 1770.
March 6: Fort Alamo falls to Mexican troops led by General Santa Anna in 1836.
March 7: The Beatles release the album ‘Past Masters, Volumes 1 & 2’ in 1988.
March 8: The New York Stock Exchange is founded in 1817.
March 9: In 1864, Ulysses S. Grant is commissioned as a lieutenant general and becomes commander of the Union armies.
March 10: Daniel Boone begins his expedition of Kentucky in 1775.
March 11: The Lend-Lease program begins in 1941, enabling Britain to receive American supplies.
March 12: The island of Bermuda is colonized by the British in 1609.
March 13: Sir William Herschel discovers Uranus in 1781.
March 14: Albert Einstein is born in Germany in 1879.
March 15: Julius Caesar is assassinated, fulfilling the prediction of ‘Beware the Ides of March.’
March 16: Nathaniel Hawthorne’s ‘The Scarlett Letter’ is published in 1850.
March 17: Golda Meir becomes the prime minister of Israel in 1969.
March 18: In 1974, the five-month Arab oil embargo against the United States is lifted.
March 19: In 1965, teenage diver E. Lee Spence discovers the wreck of the Confederate cruiser the S.S. Georgiana, which is valued at more than $50 million.
March 20: In 1852, ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ is first published.
March 21: Johann Sebastian Bach is born in Germany in 1685.
March 22: In 1765 the Stamp Act was approved.
March 23: Patrick Henry utters ‘Give me liberty, or give me death’ in 1775.
March 24: In 1988, the Exxon Valdez spills 11 million gallons of oil.
March 25: RCA first produces color TVs in 1954.
March 26: Playwright Tennessee Williams is born in 1911.
March 27: Juan Ponce de Leon sees Florida in 1513.
March 28: In 1979, a nuclear power plant on Three Mile Island overheats.
March 29: Future U.S. president John Tyler is born in 1790.
March 30: Vincent Van Gogh is born in Holland in 1853.
March 31: ‘Oklahoma!’ opens on Broadway in 1943.