Last week I wrote about taking my dad out fishing for the day. The response I got from that column highlighted what I believe is a growing trend among today’s youth. There are far too many of them that have never been fishing. I can understand a kid that is 10 or 12 years old, but there are teens out there that have yet to go fishing. While doing a little research on the Internet, I came across an article where the author challenged his readers to take at least two kids out fishing each year. I really hope by mentioning his article that some of you embrace that challenge with me. As I’ve gotten older there are a lot of things that I’ve forgotten, but the one thing that I’ll never forget, is my first time fishing, and of course the person who took me.
Delta Report:
All throughout the delta the spawn has started, anglers fishing soft plastics and flip baits are doing the best fishing weed pockets and weed lines. The bite has been really light lately as anglers have reported that the fish are swimming off with the baits rather than aggressively striking the baits. Crappie fishing is starting to improve for those fishing around Whiskey Slough using Minnie Jigs or medium sized minnows.
New Melones Lake:
The trout bite hasn’t changed much in the last week. Bank fishermen are having the best of luck lately while fishing the back of the coves with Power Bait. Bass fishing has started to really pick up; anglers are reporting catching a lot of spotted bass up shallow on Senko’s and other slow moving baits.
Lake Don Pedro:
Trout fishing continues to improve for anglers fishing from the surface down to 20 feet deep. King salmon are starting to show up as anglers are having mixed results while trolling from the Tuolumne River arm to Rough and Ready Island at depths from 20 to 30 feet. There continues to be a decent swimbait bite on the lake for those targeting large bass. Plenty of fish can be found up shallow either spawning or getting ready to spawn right now.
Lake Amador:
For about $6 more than its surrounding lakes, it’s a bargain right now to fish Lake Amador. The lake is extremely low and fishes a lot smaller than it actually is, but who can argue with the quality of trout being caught. Anglers are catching them off the bank early in the day on Power Bait Mice Tails and while trolling between 10 to 15 feet deep on their favorite trout lures.
Lake Pardee:
Trout fishing is good right now for those fishing in the cove where the boat launch is located. Anglers catching fish are targeting fish that have recently been planted and are catching them while tossing spinners and Kastmasters or while fishing with Power Bait. Anglers trolling the main lake are struggling to put together a consistent pattern as each day they seem to be changing depths. Bass fishing is picking up as this past full moon has moved a group of fish up shallow.
Lake Camanche:
Trout fishing continues to be good for bait fishermen who are fishing the main river arms. Trout are being caught on Power Bait from 25 to 40 feet deep. Bass fishing continues to be good for anglers fishing from the surface down to 20 feet deep. Plastic worms and senko’s are working well in natural colors like green and brown.
Tip of the Week:
Fluorocarbon line was a well hidden secret a few years ago and now it’s being produced and sold by just about every major line company out there. Some anglers use fluorocarbon line all year long. On the Delta, I prefer using it in the spring more than any other time of the year. Fluorocarbon sinks faster than normal monofilament making sinking baits like senko’s even more effective by getting them into the strike zone a little faster, while enabling me to make more casts throughout the day.