Oakdale High’s girls and boys cross country runners got a taste of sharp talent in tri-meet scrimmage action with Escalon and Hughson on Thursday, Aug. 26 at Woodward Reservoir.Hughson’s Becky Hobby dominated the girl’s race with an easy top finish while Mustang runner Liz Erwin kicked strong to conclude as the first local girl. If the meet had been scored, Oakdale’s girls would have tied Hughson and beaten Escalon.“For the most part it was just a learning experience to get out and do some competition,” Oakdale coach Guy Fowler said. “It was important for the kids to get to know the home course, and it was a good learning tool for us.”Oakdale’s boys struggled against speedy Escalon and Hughson runners, but saw Eric Padilla and Bryan Berst finish first and second, respectively, for the team.“I saw a lot of work that needs to be done as far as being in shape,” Fowler said. “It opened our eyes a bit.”Oakdale will host Ceres and Central Valley in the first recorded action of the season at 3:30 p.m. on Sept. 8 at Woodward. The team will take on the Sierra Invitational at Modesto’s Legion Park on Sept. 11.
Harriers Pushed In Tri-Meet