I had several ideas floating in my head for my column this month but when it came down to putting those thoughts on paper, I was disenchanted with the possibilities, which then lead me to sit and think of all the things that are happening in my life and what the coming year promises to yield.
So, I thought I’d share with you a snapshot of my 2010.
By now my publishing career is going well. Many have asked and I’m pleased to say that I’m truly blessed in my second career. By the end of this year, I’ll have written five more books. Yes, you read that correctly: five books in one year.
I just turned in No. 11 and I’m starting No. 12. My eighth book will hit shelves in April and I just got the cover. It’s gorgeous and very sexy. I love it because it matches the tone of the book, which just happens to be incredibly intense. Of course, books that I’m writing now are scheduled for 2011 and 2012.
My oldest son is going to New York with his drama class and I’m alternately excited and terrified for him. This is part of that process of letting go —and I totally suck at it. I’m sure I’ll be bawling my eyes out as he boards the plane. But it’ll be a great experience for him and I’m so glad we’re able to do this for him (with much help from friends and family!)
This year I will travel to Nashville, Tennessee for the National Romance Writers Association conference in July. I’m very excited because I’ve never been there and I’ve heard it’s a great place. I plan to fly in early so I can take in a few of the local sights with friends. I love the southern states because the food is fabulous and the people are so friendly, which is a nice change of pace. Next year the conference is in New York. Oh boy!
Of course, I’m hoping for a RITA nomination for either of my 2009 books but the competition is fierce so here’s hoping…I should find out by March if I made the first round. Cross fingers and toes, please!
My youngest child, our daughter, will start kindergarten. She’s growing up so fast it makes my head spin. I’m sure I’ll cry on that first day but I’m so proud of her already. She’s had a bit of an uphill battle with her speech delay but she’s making progress in leaps and bounds so it’s almost impossible to reprimand her when she uses those newfound speech skills to get a little sassy with her mom! And oh goodness, that girl is sassy. I can’t imagine where she gets it…
We have a number of home projects that we’re looking forward to: new carpet, new shutters, etc. and we just (unhappily) added, “Buy new refrigerator” to the list.
This is also the year I scale back some of my hours at the newspaper, but don’t worry, I’m not leaving. (Are you kidding? Leave a job in this unsteady economy? No thanks.)
I’m hoping to do some more speaking engagements, maybe pick up a regional conference or two, and get more proactive about my promotions as I’ve really had little time to worry about stuff like that and I need to if I’m going to further my career. I revamped my website but there are some interactive things I wanted to add, such as interviews and podcasts and such that make it fun for my readers.
In August, my first Silhouette Romantic Suspense will be released and I’m very excited (and nervous) about that as it’s a bit darker and edgier than my Superromance titles and I’m thrilled to join this new group. But don’t worry, when it gets closer I’m sure you’ll hear more about it.
My 20-year-class reunion is this year and somehow I ended up being the coordinator. But I’m excited at the prospect of seeing everyone from high school, some of whom I lost contact with a long time ago and miss terribly.
I’m amazed at how quickly time has flown. I don’t feel old enough to be staring down the business end of a 20-year reunion but it is what it is, right?
All in all, by all appearances, 2010 is bound to be filled with exciting and challenging times. I’m looking forward to it all.
Thank you for going on this journey with me. I appreciate your emails, your letters, and your support. Here’s hoping your 2010 is also filled with untold blessings that enrich your life and those around you.
Kim Van Meter is a staff reporter for The Oakdale Leader, The Riverbank News, and The Escalon Times. She may be reached at kvanmeter@oakdaleleader.com or by calling 847-3021.