Dear Editor,
Having personally known Herman Doornenbal since the early 1970’s, I can say with much conviction that Herman is indeed a man of his word. Striking out on his own at an early age, he worked first as a calf feeder for a local dairyman, then moving on to what has become his passion, farming rice and almonds.
Herman’s first endeavor was to rent 20 acres of rice ground, which was not the most desirable to others farming in the area. With much hard work, dedication and desire to succeed, Herman went on to grow his business into what is at this present date a very successful farming operation.
I believe that Herman will bring the same dedication and hard work to the OID Board. Herman’s understanding of water policy for our local farms, ranches and community makes him the ideal candidate for the board.
Please vote Herman Doornenbal for Oakdale Irrigation District Director, District 2.
Brum DeVisser