Dear Editor,
This letter is written with the deepest regret and sorrow about having to even pen these words, let alone imagining the situation as it unfolded at OVH on the night of Raul Arellano Jr.’s death. He was the 12-year-old boy who suddenly died from complications of a bicycle fall. His senseless and tragic death was only compounded by OVH’s uncompassionate treatment to the mother of this deceased boy.
Is it a steadfast hospital rule to not allow both parents of a young child to be with him when most needed? For she was not allowed to be a sense of loving comfort because only one person is allowed in the room with emergency room patients. It is understandable to keep traffic to a minimum but how can it be justified to stand behind an outdated policy that ROBS a mother of the last few moments of her dying son’s life?
It can never be and please cut though bureaucratic hoopla to remember what matters!
Change the policy!
Linda Schamp
(In loving memory of Raul Arellano Jr.)