Police and Firefighters are to “serve and protect” the citizens of their community and should not be controlled by Big Labor overriding state and local labor laws. This is the first step in forcing all state and public employees under Big Labor’s thumb and will do nothing to make our communities safer. It is more likely to drive out upstanding men and women who will refuse to knuckle under to union militants’ demands for illegal strikes, featherbedding and forced dues that the latter are squandered by the union bosses.
H.R. 413 and S. 3194 would create an almost unimaginable number of new “bargaining units” at a cost impossible to estimate. Passage of the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill could be the last straw for already struggling communities. Union bosses control of police and firefighters will lead to skyrocketing budgets in towns and cities across the country resulting in higher taxes. Union bosses demand more government spending, block service improvements for taxpayers and push for outrageous demands that no union boss representing workers in private business would even consider.
Call Congressman Radanovich and Senator Feinstein to oppose the passage of HR. 413 and S 3194.
Brewster Burns