Dear Editor,
Community Sharing is so fortunate to have the support of the community, not only at the special Holiday Season, but all year long. The outpouring of food and monetary support is greatly appreciated. Through these hard times, we were fearful that we would have to reduce our offerings as the number of needy was on the rise. Through your belief and trust in us, this did not happen and the contributions rose to meet the demand. We could not exist without this support.
We have over 25 active volunteers who are there every week to help those in need, usually spending at least four hours each Tuesday morning. We have no paid volunteers. We have volunteers who go out six mornings each week to retrieve donations from our local merchants. We send our truck to Second Harvest once each week to purchase food at less than cost, supplied by vendors on a regional basis. And many folks just drop by on Tuesday mornings with their donations. We could not exist without this support.
This last calendar year, to give some idea of the size operation you are supporting, we packaged and provided over 8,500 boxes of food which went to help supplement the families’ existing food menus. Those boxes were opened to help over 18,000 people in those families. As an example we purchased, locally, over three-quarters of a ton of margarine, as well as fresh fruit and vegetables, meat and poultry, can goods, and other staples. Each week we produce a menu of offerings and the clients choose all or some of the offerings to meet their nutritional needs, thus eliminating waste of giving unwanted food. We do this on the average of 167 boxes each week, individually packed in a three-and-a-half hour timeline.
We thank you, the individuals, the organizations, and the businesses of the Oakdale area for your trust and support of this operation. Without your help and the assistance of the volunteers, this benevolent outpouring would not exist.
William Dyer, President
Community Sharing Christian Center