Dear Editor,
It was an exciting year for the Escalon High School Boy’s Golf Team. After going through an undefeated season and capturing the Trans-Valley League title, the Cougars moved on to win the Sac-Joaquin Section – Division V team championship. For the first time in the school’s history, Escalon not only took home the section team award, but also had the low medalist in the section, as Donovan Gardner captured individual honors. A large part of our success could not have been accomplished if it wasn’t for the generosity and support of Oakdale Golf and Country Club.
We would like to thank all of the Oakdale G & CC membership for not only allowing us the use of the facilities, which we constantly maintain are the best in the entire valley, but also for the support that we received every time we played. Countless times this year, we heard positive comments from club members wishing us good luck or simply welcoming us to the club. You will never know how much that means to the players in our program. It is not easy working around high school players on the course and we recognize that. Thanks to all of you for your cooperation and cordiality.
We would also like to thank General Manager Rick Schultz, Head Pro Mike Dowd and all of the staff at Oakdale G &CC for the way in which we are treated. Everyone continues to regard us with the utmost in courtesy and friendliness. When we play at Oakdale G & CC, everyone who works there goes out of his way to make us feel at home. We want for nothing, and this is recognized by the other coaches and teams who feel it is an absolute privilege to play at such a wonderful course. I am often told how much visiting teams look forward to the opportunity of playing at Oakdale G & CC. Our thanks once again to the entire staff of Oakdale G & CC for making our experience a very positive one.
We would also like to thank Oakdale High School and their coach, Lee McGhee, for being so cooperative and helpful to our team. We could not choose better people with whom to share the course. Your support for our program, the friendship and the help that we have received from the Mustang Golf Program can never be measured. Thanks, Oakdale High.
We know that it sounds redundant, but we cannot express how fortunate we are in using Oakdale G & CC as our home course. Oakdale’s beauty, its charm and its challenges are like no other course in the entire valley. We are honored to use it. We hope that our relationship with Oakdale Golf and Country Club can carry far into the future and that the Escalon High School Golf Program will always be welcomed by its membership and staff.
The Escalon High School Golf Program
It was an exciting year for the Escalon High School Boy’s Golf Team. After going through an undefeated season and capturing the Trans-Valley League title, the Cougars moved on to win the Sac-Joaquin Section – Division V team championship. For the first time in the school’s history, Escalon not only took home the section team award, but also had the low medalist in the section, as Donovan Gardner captured individual honors. A large part of our success could not have been accomplished if it wasn’t for the generosity and support of Oakdale Golf and Country Club.
We would like to thank all of the Oakdale G & CC membership for not only allowing us the use of the facilities, which we constantly maintain are the best in the entire valley, but also for the support that we received every time we played. Countless times this year, we heard positive comments from club members wishing us good luck or simply welcoming us to the club. You will never know how much that means to the players in our program. It is not easy working around high school players on the course and we recognize that. Thanks to all of you for your cooperation and cordiality.
We would also like to thank General Manager Rick Schultz, Head Pro Mike Dowd and all of the staff at Oakdale G &CC for the way in which we are treated. Everyone continues to regard us with the utmost in courtesy and friendliness. When we play at Oakdale G & CC, everyone who works there goes out of his way to make us feel at home. We want for nothing, and this is recognized by the other coaches and teams who feel it is an absolute privilege to play at such a wonderful course. I am often told how much visiting teams look forward to the opportunity of playing at Oakdale G & CC. Our thanks once again to the entire staff of Oakdale G & CC for making our experience a very positive one.
We would also like to thank Oakdale High School and their coach, Lee McGhee, for being so cooperative and helpful to our team. We could not choose better people with whom to share the course. Your support for our program, the friendship and the help that we have received from the Mustang Golf Program can never be measured. Thanks, Oakdale High.
We know that it sounds redundant, but we cannot express how fortunate we are in using Oakdale G & CC as our home course. Oakdale’s beauty, its charm and its challenges are like no other course in the entire valley. We are honored to use it. We hope that our relationship with Oakdale Golf and Country Club can carry far into the future and that the Escalon High School Golf Program will always be welcomed by its membership and staff.
The Escalon High School Golf Program