We are excited to send birthday wishes to Mrs. Loretta Steele! Loretta is a forever resident of our Valley Home community. She has always supported her community in every way possible. Always willing to go the extra mile. I cannot tell you how many 4-H fundraisers, school and other fundraisers Loretta has been involved with. She is proud of our community and always has the best interest of Valley Home residents in mind. We love and appreciate you Loretta. Hope your birthday week is special in every way!
So happy to report on Gracie Verdegaal’s wonderful success at the Western Bonanza jackpot show. Gracie had a very successful show ultimately winning Supreme Champion Gilt. Gracie is a tremendous showman and a delightful young woman. She attends Oakdale High School and is the daughter of proud parents, Dave and Ronda. Congratulations, Gracie; your hard work pays off. You are a remarkable young lady in and out of the show ring!
A great time was had by Jeff and Karen Titus and their fun crew! The group traveled to Oakland for the third annual Monster Jam. They had an absolute blast. The group enjoyed great seats and enjoyed a really fun night together!
Two Valley Home buddies, Karson Purcer and Cooper Bartholomew also were excited to go to the Monster Jam! What fun the two friends had. Such a special time!
Please come out and support your Valley Home Hawks on Friday, Feb. 23rd. All basketball teams, boy and girls will be playing in the school gym. Go-o-o Hawks!
Remember Spring pictures will be taken on Feb. 21st by Lifetouch Pictures.
If you have allergies, be careful. Almond blossoms are so beautiful, but can also cause lots of sneezing!
As always you may reach me at winniemullins51@gmail.com. Until next time, “Happy trails to all!”