Our Valley Home area is beginning to show the effects of crisp November mornings as the trees begin to leaf out in an array of gorgeous Autumn colors. Take the time to take a leisurely trip though our area and enjoy what Mother Nature with her special paint brush has done to enhance our Valley Home area.
Keep your eyes on the Valley Home Community Park. Friday we spotted more activity at the Park, it is really coming along. Joe Perez and Sharon Furtado were seen working on spreading fertilizer and lawn seed, and raking it in, on half of the lawn area on Friday. They hope to finish the lawn work on Monday. The Park Committee plans to be ordering a flag pole sometime this week. Things are really moving along!
The meeting this month of the Valley Home Municipal Advisory Council is tonight at 6:30 p.m. at the Harold Pope School Library on Texas Avenue. The agenda for this month’s meeting will be a discussion of the 2011-2012 meeting schedule, possible formation of a MAC Public Safety Committee, discussion of closure of Lone Tree Road to commercial traffic with information from county public works department in conjunction with San Joaquin County public works department and community reports from the area California Highway Patrol officer, from the Oakdale Rural Fire Protection Department, update on the park project from Valley Home Community Center representative, and reports from other county departments and the community.
Remember, the Valley Home MAC is the best piece of county government for you as you can make your feelings known regarding community matters and you can find out the latest information on what is happening in our county that may affect you. The best example of the latter is this month news will be announced regarding the future of the Williamson Act which affects many residents. There is a substantial change for those who have signed Williamson Act contracts. If you want to know how this will affect you financially, you need to attend tonight’s meeting. See you there!
The next meeting of the Valley Home MAC meeting will be on January 19, 2011, there will be no meeting in December.
Happy Anniversary Wishes are sent to Hazel and Pete Rushman from their Valley Home friends.