Time flies! The year has been a busy one for our Valley Home 4-H members! Our 4-H president, Halley Smith reminds members that Record books are due at the June meeting. Halley states that there are no exceptions. Members must turn in a record book on time to be considered a member in good standing. You must be a member in good standing to enter and show at the County Fair, and have your current 4-H year count. Primary members do not need to complete a record book but they may complete a primary record. See Sally Chrisman for help with these.
There will be a Record book workshop offered by Lainey Smith and Jenna Heaton today, May 4th at the Valley Home School. Please bring all of your blank project reports and PDR forms with you and Lainey and Jenna will help with your book.
Just a reminder that Livestock Fair entries are due in May along with proof of liability insurance. New this year, the Club may purchase liability insurance for all members showing livestock at the Fair. This will be voted on at the next meeting.
Our Red Hat ladies traveled to Marie Callendar’s Restaurant in Modesto for their May meeting and luncheon. Plans are also under way for the group to travel to Oakdale next month to attend the Oakdale Garden Club Annual Salad Bar Luncheon at the Gene Bianchi Community Center.
There have been a lot of “Green Thumbs” at work in Valley Home this year! Take a leisurely drive through the area and enjoy all the pretty gardens. Roses seem to be the most colorful they have been in several years!
Residents are once more being offered an afternoon of Silent Film Fun on Sunday, May 22nd. This occasion, sponsored by members of St. John’s Lutheran Church will be an offering of four short Silent films starring Laurel and Hardy. Guaranteed to tickle your “funny Bone,” one of the films is titled “Leave ‘Em Laughing!” which was written and filmed October 1927. In addition to Laurel and Hardy, the cast includes Edgar Kennedy, another familiar face from the Silent Era. The plot for the film features Stan’s visit to the dentist office which results in both Stan and Oliver becoming overdosed on laughing gas. They run amok and wreak havoc through the streets of Culver City. The film is an excellent example of the way Laurel and Hardy sometimes worked. They start off with a simple situation (Stan has a toothache), then follow it to the next logical step (a trip to the dentist) and continue to a logical conclusion (the laughing gas causing them to mess up traffic in the streets of Los Angeles).
Following the viewing of the four films being shown, guests are invited to join our film hosts downstairs immediately following the show for delicious homemade ice cream and pie. Cost for the pie is $2.50 a slice.
There is no charge for this wonderful afternoon of fun and delicious dessert, but donations are greatly appreciated. The money will help to purchase new tables and chairs for the church dining hall.
Scoring and soundtrack for the movie will be provided by Dave Moreno at the church organ. His talent will take the viewer back to the era of the silent films. Matias Bombal will also be returning as Emcee and vintage vocalist and will provide some insight into the music of the era.
We received word that Jordan McCain enjoyed a birthday fishing trip during Easter vacation and came home with lots of huge fish! Garrett Bryhni, Austin Dickens, Nic Garza and Austin Jones were busy during the last week playing baseball for our Oakdale Mustangs. All did a great job and Valley Home is so proud of you all!
Cody Bartholomew was surprised and happy to receive a beautiful peacock for his birthday from his uncles. Cody’s pal Brendan Finn also gifted Cody with 3 ducklings and also a show duckling.
MaryBeth Carpenter has been very busy with track and doing very well, and Cheyenne Christman enjoyed the past week at Science Camp learning all about nature!
Richard and Winnie Mullins celebrated their 42nd wedding anniversary on May 3rd. We join their family in wishing them a Happy Anniversary!