There will be an important meeting of the Valley Home MAC this evening, February 1st. Our three new council members, Winnie Mullins, Kate Hart and Chris Hempleman will be sworn in by County District One Supervisor William O’Brien. Heading the list of items to be discussed by the group will be a report on the mold situation discovered at the Valley Home Fire House, which has been the reason behind the closing of our station. The closing of our Fire House is a serious problem for our community. There will also be other items receiving reports or discussion, Sheriff Department, California Highway Patrol, election of new MAC officers and a report from the Valley Home Safety Committee. Residents should make it a point to attend this important meeting. The meeting begins at 6:30 at the Valley Home School Library located in the portable building at the Pioneer Avenue campus.
Valley Home PTC president, Sheri Rathbun reminds us that PTC meeting will be held on Thursday, the 2nd at 3 p.m. in Room 4, located on the Texas Ave. campus. The group is looking for parent input and help for the group’s Annual Jog-a-Thon coming up in April. The group is also currently accepting donations for our prize table at their Let It Roll fundraiser scheduled for Friday, March 2nd. You may contact event chairman, Lisa Jones at 840-3178, about your items.
We share some very exciting news concerning 4-H member, Cody Bartholomew. Cody showed his chickens and duck this past weekend at the Pacific Poultry Association show held at the San Joaquin County fairgrounds. Cody took home three first place ribbons, best variety, with his New Hampshire chickens and the biggest award of all, Best of Breed for his Pencil Neck Runner Duck. This show is one of the largest shows in the area, with exhibitors coming from as far away as British Columbia. There were over 2500 chickens and ducks entered in the competition. Wow, great job, Cody! Keep up the good work. We are all proud of you! Next up on the calendar will be a show at the Stanislaus County Fair for junior exhibitors only.
Get well soon wishes go out to one of Valley Home’s favorite people, Mr. Keith. Mr. Keith has been feeling under the weather for a while now and all the students and your friends hope you get back to school soon!
Our Valley Home 4-H members are busy making plans for the Club’s Annual Valentine’s Day meeting coming up on February 7th. Lots of fun and excitement in the works as club members try their hand at decorating boxes to be filled with Valentine goodies that will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. What fun to bid on the beautifully wrapped parcels while trying to correctly guess what delicious goodie will be found located within.
Valley Home News for February 1, 2012