Nancy and Mike Osmundson enjoyed a visit from Mike’s sister and husband, Karen and Nyal Bage from Independence, Iowa, this past week and a half. The foursome also enjoyed a weekend spent in the Bay Area.
We have received word that our Valley Home 4-H officer team will be holding their first officer meeting of the year this evening at our Valley Home Community Park. The officer meeting will be lead by club president, Jenna Heaton. We are told that Club officers will be planning activities and Club meetings for the upcoming year. A complete list officers will be presented in the Valley Home News as soon as they as the group has their installation ceremony. We are told that the installation ceremony will be held in conjunction with the group’s first regular 4-H Club meeting on Sept. 6.
Jenna tells us that our 4-H club members are full of excitement as they look forward to learning new things, doing our community service and of course fun trips to places like Marine World, Giants games and maybe again this year, a trip to Disneyland! Our 4-H’ers are looking forward to a great year!
We are looking forward to 4-H members’ continued support of the Valley Home Community Park. The members did a fabulous clean-up job at the park prior to the National Night Out-Neighborhood Watch meeting on Aug. 2.
Oak Valley Art Society president Glenn Burghardt tells us that members enjoyed an opportunity at their meeting on Saturday to work on bisque mosaic pieces which will undergo firing and then be used to create a special art work. Artist, Janet Wilmeth who had to forego her mosaic art demonstration scheduled for the previous month due to traffic difficulties around the meeting place kept Society members busy working on tile pieces to be readied for firing. The fired pieces will be brought back to next month’s meeting for finishing the project.
Bob Blan, chairman of the Art in the Park Show held at the Fruit Yard Park received congratulations from the members for his great work in organizing the show. He tells us that the Fruit Yard Park owners would like to have OVAS return on another occasion. Your reporter was thrilled to receive the “Public’s Choice” Award for her oil painting, “Pop Goes the Weasel” which was voted the favorite of the viewers at the show and the recipient of a $25 check.
Valley Home OVAS member, Emily Bush volunteered to be Historian for the Club. Emily does beautiful photography and had a fabulous display at the Art in the Park Show.
The familiar strains of “Happy Birthday” were heard on Saturday as Jeff Burghardt celebrated his 24th birthday with family members at the Rice Bowl Express in Escalon. Helping Jeff celebrate his special day were his niece, Kaili, father, Mike and grandparents, Glenn and Laura Burghardt.
Getting all set to blow out candles on birthday cakes this coming week are Phyllis Johnstad, John Bush and Glen Cobb. Many Happy Returns of the Day to all!
Bob and Janice Kesterson will celebrate an anniversary this week, Happy Anniversary to both from all their Valley Home friends!
We offer a correction to last week’s column concerning Cindy Fleischer. Cindy sends these correct statements: “Yes, Chuck and I do own the resort. Cindy is and will continue being a resident of Valley Home. I never moved to the resort. Chuck does stay at the resort. Cody is not getting married.”
Valley Home News for August 24, 2011