This week we send a big “Thank You” to all who work so hard to maintain our beautiful little community park! A huge “Thank You” especially to Don Taro and Dennis McCutcheon for their many hours of work on the park. So many folks in our community work hard to make sure our park is always kept up so nice ... many thanks to all. To each of you who have donated your time, supplies, or helped raise money, you are greatly appreciated! With each of us sharing ownership of our little park, it’s up to us to make sure it’s always maintained in a beautiful fashion! As most of you know, our little community park is one of the few parks in our state, that is owned by the community. This also means we do not receive any state or county funds to help with maintaining the park ... it’s up to us to take care of it! What a great blessing to have such an amazing treasure in our community. Your donations pay the taxes, pay the PG&E, pay the insurance, maintain the sprinkler system, picnic tables, and repairs and upkeep of the well and pump expenses. We are very thankful to the Cornett family for the donation of a tank very recently. Thank you to all for supporting our park ... each of us help in different ways and it takes all of us to keep our beautiful little park going. Over the years our community has always come together to support and take care of this amazing treasure. Years ago when this very special piece of land was purchased, our community did everything they could to save the beloved community club house. Valley Home families who have lived here for generations have the most wonderful and treasured memories of many happy events in the club house. Sadly, even though the community rallied together and worked hard to save the club house, it could not be saved. Today our beautiful little park is a source of great pride to all. This very special place, our community park, is fondly referred to by many as “The Heart of Valley Home”.
This week we end our column on a very sad note. We send our heartfelt sympathy to the family and friends of our beloved Valley Home community member Lois Mosher Sipe. Lois, we love you, your caring heart towards all, your love for your precious family; we will miss you and your beautiful smile always.
As always you may contact me by email at or by telephone at 209-985-5233. Until next time, “Happy Trails To All!”