Fire! That word bring immediately fear and many times extreme danger. Many of us think we are safe ... this will only happen to someone else! Regardless of where we live deep down we truly know it can come to any of us at any time. Most of us think we are prepared but the truth is; are we really prepared ... is our family safe, our homes, our children? Thursday evening The East Stanislaus Fire Safe Council will share this important “Life Saving Information”! Please take the time to come get the information needed to save your life and your families’ lives! This important meeting will start at 5:30 pm at Gene Bianchi Community Center 110 South 2nd Avenue downtown Oakdale! Come hear important information from East Stanislaus Fire Safe Council, Cal Fire, Stanislaus County Sheriff and PG&E. Regardless of where you live this information will save lives!
We are very proud of our Valley Home 4-Hers! On Memorial Day our 4-Hers met (socially distanced) at our Valley Home Community Park and made wreaths and bouquets for our Fallen Veterans. The 4-Hers all worked hard and created the most beautiful and the most thoughtful Red, White and Blue arrangements! The 4-Hers and their families then headed the short distance on Lone Tree Road to Valley Home Memorial Park. Many Veterans are laid to rest at Valley Home Memorial Park. Our 4-Hers led by Valley Home 4-H Club President Callie Chrisman held an amazing (socially distanced) patriotic tribute ceremony! Each 4-Her spoke of their appreciation for our Veterans.
As the 4-Hers gathered around the flag pole, Callie played her guitar and sang the most moving version of The Star Spangled Banner. With the members and their families joining in, the beautiful sound spread throughout our Veterans final resting place. It was a heartwarming and a very special tribute from our youth! The kids then visited the resting places, laying wreaths, bouquets and flags to honor each Veteran and to say Thank You to each for the freedom we enjoy today. God Bless America!
As always you may reach me by email at or by telephone at 209-985-5233. Until next time, “Happy Trails To All!”