Everybody loves a parade! This is it ... it is here. Put those flags on your porches and in your yards. This Saturday morning, the streets of Oakdale will be filled with excitement! Red, white and blue will be everywhere! Patriotism, children’s laughter and Oakdale pride will be enjoyed by all. This week is a very special week of celebration in Oakdale. Our Valley Home community is proud to be part of this wonderful celebration. The 150th Birthday Celebration of this very special town ... Oakdale will show America its patriotism! Oakdale takes great pride in truly being the Cowboy Capital of the World ... Oakdale takes great pride in being home to tremendous sports programs, Oakdale is extremely proud of their 4-H and FFA programs. Beautiful churches are many, and welcome all inside their doors. What an amazing place to call home! This weekend please join in the spirit of America of this patriotic hometown ... a place where folks still gather on front porches to visit and enjoy a cold frosty lemonade. This Saturday evening folks can enjoy a celebration of dazzling fireworks in the sky over Oakdale. It will be a beautiful sight to see red, white and blue everywhere ... so hang that flag from your porch, put it in your yards ... it’s going to be a celebration. Happy Birthday Oakdale! A very special ‘thank you’ to the amazing ladies that worked so hard to make this great celebration a reality! Amy Velasco, Cher Bairos, Lisa Ballard and Lupe Aguilera; you are very, very much appreciated!
As always you may reach me by email at Winnie Mullins 51@gmail.com or by telephone at 208-985-5233. Until next time ... “Happy Trails To All!”