It is definitely fire season. Sadly, fire season seems to be year-round now! We send a tremendous “Thank You” to all who work so hard to keep our lives and our property safe. As I write this column the effects of the fire that our Knights Ferry neighbors experienced this past weekend still hangs in the air. A reminder of how fast a vegetation fire or really any fire can quickly become very dangerous! Our firefighters are extremely well trained ... they are dedicated to the shortest response times possible and to immediately saving lives and property.
Over the hot, dry summer months ahead, most of our communities will be affected in one way or another by emergency situations involving our fire department ... whether it be medical emergencies or fire emergencies! We all need to be prepared; I know none of us want to pay another few dollars for emergency services, I don’t know if that’s the answer or if we can find another solution to getting the doors open at our Valley Home Station but I definitely know how important it is to each of us that our fire station doors are open. I realize the costs of our fire service, just like everything else keeps going up and up and up; just the fuel alone is astronomical now. Please let’s work together to find a solution to open our Valley Home Fire Station doors; our community is a strong community, a community well known for working together. Even when we have small differences, we always work together for the good of our families and our community. We live in a most amazing and special place!
Myself and neighbor Nancy Osmundson were able to attend the monthly Fire Board Meeting, held this month in Valley Home (the Board rotates the monthly meetings every other month between Knights Ferry and Valley Home). A very special “Thank You” to Valley Home School Superintendent Bill Slikker for taking the time out of his very busy schedule to attend this important meeting. We need our firehouse doors open in Valley Home. Our children, our entire community deserves those doors to be open. I am a person who, like many others, live on a very fixed income but I will absolutely do my part; whatever we need to do to open those doors! Please let’s work together with our fire board, our chief, our firefighters, our community, our neighbors here and in surrounding areas to find a solution. It will definitely take hard work, each of us respecting each other’s thoughts, and opinions; please let’s each of us come to the next Fire Board Meeting in Valley Home, in August, bring your thoughts, solutions and each of us come with a commitment to help in whatever way we can to get our fire station doors open!
Remember to mark your calendars for the exciting Oakdale Enrichment Society Concert Bash and Spectacular Fireworks Show on the evening of June 25 at the Oakdale Rodeo Grounds! An amazing evening of fun for the whole family. On the morning of June 25, we are all invited to join the parade or just come downtown and watch the beautiful patriotic parade entries as they travel through downtown Oakdale. The parade starts at 10 am ... you will not want to miss this family fun filled special patriotic parade!
We end this week’s column with “Happy Anniversary wishes” to our amazing Stanislaus County Sheriff Jeff Dirkse and his beautiful wife Sandi Dirkse. Thankyou both for all you do for our communities!
As always you may reach me by email at or by telephone at 209-925-5233. Until next time, “Happy Trails to All!”