As 2015 begins, we offer a very special thank you to Mrs. Laura Burghardt. Laura wrote the Valley Home News for many years before taking a much deserved rest. For 38 years Laura brought our community together by sharing happenings within Valley Home. It was so important to Laura to make sure school events, community events, family celebrations, and community information was available through her column. We appreciate your many years of service to our community Laura!
Our Valley Home 4-H met Tuesday evening at the Baptist Church. Plans were discussed for the 4-H Box Social to be held on February 3rd! This event is always fun and provides for 4-H activities. 4-Hers will bring brightly wrapped packages to be auctioned to the public. We hope you plan to attend and support our Valley Home 4-Hers. The auction items include sweet treats, Valentine candy, cookies, stuffed animals, delicious surprises, rose bushes, fruit trees, and one year even a baby piglet. Can you imagine the fun?!
Remember tomorrow, Thursday, there will be a parent teacher club meeting at the school gym. All are welcome. The Valley Home School board will meet on Tuesday, January 13th at 6:00pm in the portable building. All are welcome. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend the Valley Home MAC meeting on Wednesday, January 21st. The meeting will be held at 6:30pm at Valley Home School. There is exciting information to be shared at this meeting!
Don’t forget St. Johns church will be having an enchilada sale this month!
Valley Home School will hold its monthly student of the month assembly and luncheon on January 16th in the school gym.
Excitement abounds as our basketball teams get ready to start their 2015 season! The mighty Hawks will travel to Paradise on January 23rd to play. This is the first game of the season and everyone is invited to travel to Paradise school and support both our girls and boys basketball teams. Goooo Valley Home!
As always you may reach me at 209-985-5233 or by email at winniemullins51@gmail. Until next time “Happy Trails to All!”