It was an exciting weekend for former Valley Home resident Kathy Bryhni and her family. Kathy came to California for daughter Sierra Bryhni’s wedding this past weekend. Kathy lives in Oklahoma now and actually lives very near beautiful Lake Tenkiller. In fact, it is just a short distance from their home … easily within walking distance. The fishing is wonderful, the scenery is gorgeous, and life goes at a very easy pace.
We miss this amazing family … they helped with almost every event in Valley Home when they lived here! I remember our early Harvest Festivals; in fact, I remember that Kathy was at the first planning meeting when we discussed the possibility of creating an annual Fall event for our community. That first meeting was held in Karen Monschein’s crafts room (a special “Thank You” to Karen) and what a great time we all had together! Over the years, Kathy and her family were an important part of our community. We had the Christmas Store at the school, Christmas Parades, Easter Egg Hunts, Petting Zoos, 4-H Box Socials, 4-H Disneyland Trips, we all gathered together for National Night Out each year … and of course we all enjoyed our great times together at the Stanislaus County Fair each year. We miss this family in Valley Home for sure! What a happy time this very special family shared this past weekend. Congratulations to the Bryhni and Brazil families!
I am very excited to go up to Knights Ferry this week; the most fragrant sweet peas must grow in the Ferry! Margarete Finn grows beautiful flowers of all types but for me it’s always the sweetest time of the year when l can enjoy fresh cut, beautiful sweet peas. I am so happy to be bringing home a most special vase of these delicate, sweet-smelling flowers this week from Margarete’s beautiful garden.
One of my most favorite memories is actually from my family’s time running the ice cream parlor in Knights Ferry! I have so many happy memories of our time in the Ferry, our time with the restaurant and the ice cream parlor, so many special people came into our lives. As I have told you all before in this column among my most favorite memories is the time I came in very early; our locals were already there … many times they opened for us before we even rolled into the Ferry each morning. The sweetest most fragrant scent of fresh cut sweet peas greeted me. Carol Davis had already been there, she had left me the most beautiful sweet peas on the ice cream counter. I will never, ever forget her thoughtfulness. It meant the world to me!
I would like to end my column this week with the most wonderful news; the Martinelli family of Knights Ferry has a new nurse in the family. Congratulations Tasha! Your hard work has paid off; such an amazing accomplishment. Congratulations to you!
As always you may contact me by email at or by telephone at 209-985-5233.
Until next time, “Happy Trails to All!”