Our Valley Home Community Park tri tip dinner was a wonderful success! We send a huge “Thank You” to each of you who purchased dinners or helped in any way to make this dinner so successful. You are appreciated very, very much. Your support will help keep our beautiful little park the center of our community.
More excitement in Valley Home! Please come out and enjoy Valley Home’s very first “Spring Fling” on Saturday, April 16, 2022 from 8:00am until 4:00 pm.
At our Valley Home Park there will be food and beverage vendors, small shop vendors, the Easter Bunny will visit and hide brightly colored Easter eggs! During clean up if you happen to find a bright gold egg, please come to the park prize table and claim your prize. Then at noon, the Easter Egg Hunt will begin ... bring your Easter Basket, wear your Easter Hat, say hello to the Easter Bunny, get a picture while collecting beautiful brightly colored eggs! Remember gold eggs are special; if you find one at any time, go to the prize table and collect your prize!
Valley Home residents are also invited to come drop off trash during the day and you must live in Valley Home! Trash collection will not be able to accept household hazardous wastes such as cleaners, bleach, paint and other chemicals such as pool chemicals, pesticides, auto fluids such as motor oil, antifreeze and brake fluid. No explosives such as fireworks. Flammable liquid. Sealed 55 gallon barrels. Scrap tires. Lead acid batteries ... car batteries. Debris containing asbestos. Certain appliances that contain toxic chemicals, such as refrigerators containing Freon. Dead animals. Televisions, monitors, computers, batteries, copiers, fax machines, telephones, fluorescent lights. Remember you must be a resident of Valley Home to dump trash.
We need your help; this is a first time ever event and your help is very important to its success! Please call Jessica to volunteer at 925-998-7850. Jessica will be happy to answer any questions you may have! Please consider helping with this wonderful community project. We are so blessed to live in such a beautiful safe community; let’s each do what we can to keep it such a special place! For those of you who are on Facebook, you may follow the Valley Home Bulletin Board on Facebook for the latest updates.
We end our column this week with a tremendous “Thank You” to our First Responders. We are grateful!
As always you may reach me by email at winniemullins51@gmail.com or by telephone at 209-985-5233.
Until next time, “Happy Trails to All!”