What an exciting time in Valley Home. Our Valley Home students worked hard and were very successful in their fundraising effort for our school Jog A Thon! Our Fire Department came and supported our students; the kids had so much fun with them. Firefighters ran laps the entire Jog A Thon with the kids! The kids were treated to Kona Ice and live music during the Jog A Thon. Students were excited to see Principal Bill Slikker dunked by top fundraisers. Mr. Slikker is such a great sport and enjoyed the afternoon activities with all the students. It was great fun for our students as Mr. McKetchup (AKA) Mr. Dennis ran laps with them. MC Jessica Caudle kept the crowd excited with her amazing fun banter. A huge thank you to Chairperson Cassie Fullen (amazing) and to all who worked to make this day so much fun ... it was a great afternoon and a huge success!
On Saturday our community came together for an amazing clean-up day. A very special thank you to Jeff Combs for donating the use of his equipment for our clean up. During the day, folks could visit “Emmits Big Squeeze Lemonade Stand” for a cool refreshing glass of lemonade. Thank you, Emmit! Jessica Caudle, Jessica Borrego, and Amanda Beltrami and their families manned the food booth with delicious breakfast burritos, hot dogs, polish dogs, and chips all during the day and did a wonderful job organizing this special day ... thank you! Emma Wucherer helped with serving food and was “as usual” everywhere we needed her. A huge thank you to Supervisor Buck Condit and Erica Inacio from Stanislaus County for coming to Valley Home to support us. A tremendous thank you to Gilton for the much appreciated dumpsters! We all enjoyed the beautiful wood working and amazing products for sale from CB Woodworks in Escalon. Thank you very, very much CB Wood Works for coming to Valley Home. Also during the day we were treated to delicious mini donuts from Tena Heaton of “Dot’s Mini Donuts” … thank you, Tena. Valley Home fifth grader Millie Cox planned a delightful community Easter Egg Hunt, she colored hundreds of eggs and with her very good friend Avery Cornett, the girls created a wonderful Easter Egg Hunt for our Valley Home community! A special thank you to Tammi Smith for supporting Millie and Avery with the Easter Egg Hunt! We would like to say a special thank you to the Guerrero family for bringing their beautiful Easter eggs for the community Easter Egg Hunt. We also can’t forget, a giant thank you goes out to our Valley Home Easter Bunny; we love our Easter Bunny! One of the most heartwarming parts of the day was eighth grade teacher Holly Benkula’s “Bonnie’s Closet” offerings; all were invited and were welcome to take whatever they needed ... very, very special!
We appreciate very much each one of you who helped to make the last week so special in Valley Home.
As always, you may reach me by email at winniemullins51@gmail.com or by telephone at 209-985-5233.
Until next time, “Happy Trails to All!”