Thank you to all of you that are keeping Collin and Tyler in your prayers. These two brave young men appreciate your prayers and good thoughts very much.
Update on Tyler – he has been flown back to California to a Bay Area hospital to continue his road to recovery! The plane that flew Tyler back to California landed in Texas to refuel and was met on the tarmac by several medical personnel. Tyler did very well on the flight home.
Please remember tickets are still available for the benefit dinner for the French family. Dinner and silent auction will be held at the Oakdale Golf and Country Club on May 1st. Tickets are available by calling Robbie Fouts at 614-8366 or Nicole Vejar at 872-1629. Your support would be greatly appreciated!
At last week’s MAC meeting information was presented on the request to obtain a use permit and development agreement to develop a mixed light commercial cannabis cultivation and processing operation on a 6.5 acre parcel on the A-2-10 (General agriculture) zoning district. The project is located at 6838 Lon Dale Road. The Valley Home MAC has scheduled a special meeting to be held on Tuesday, May 7th. The informational meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. at Valley Home School. All are welcome!
I was able to attend a small portion of the Oakdale Fire Protection District meeting this past week. The board welcomed new member Paul Rivera. Currently the board consists of Jane Lopes, President, Ryan Cope, Vincent Victorine and Paul Rivera.
Please mark your calendars for Saturday, May 4th! Come out and support our Valley Home School students. Our annual dinner dance will be held at the Azores Band Hall in Escalon. Tickets are $40 per person or $75 per couple. You may reserve a table of 8 for $400! The reserved seating will include 8 seats at preferred seating, first to get served for dinner and one round of drinks from the bar. Please call Megan Eproson at 351-1271 or Kristen Lovejoy at 847-0117 for tickets. Hope to see you there!
A very special thank you to all who worked so hard to put on such an awesome rodeo!
As always you may reach me at Until next time, “Happy trails to all!”