With Valentine’s Day just this past week, our thoughts turn to our beloved Bonnie. In this week’s column we will remember our sweet Valley Home “Cupid”! As with most holidays, Bonnie loved to dress up, be in character for her students. To the great joy of all her kids, she would always dress as “Cupid” on Valentine’s Day. Most of you know our beautiful Bonnie but for those who may not know our beloved Bonnie please let me share a bit about this amazing woman! Bonnie Gellerman (Gatzman) was well known throughout our area as our Valley Home school bus driver. Bonnie was actually so much more to each of her students ... she was a best friend, a mentor, a trusted confidante; always a voice for those who needed their voice heard. She was always available to listen and help, her heart was so huge ... kind and caring ... she was very, very generous; always high spirited and ready for the next adventure! Bonnie was truly the heart of our Valley Home School and our Valley Home community. Bonnie was extremely hard working, a cattle woman ... she loved to work with her herd, always giving them the very best care possible. Bonnie was an avid big game hunter! Each fall she would travel with her husband Bruce to hunt in Idaho, Montana or Wyoming ... she would always come home with an amazing bounty! Our Bonnie was a woman with a tremendous belief in God, she believed in seeing the good in people, always helping those she could, young and old alike! Bonnie especially loved her kids ... hundreds of them! It is always so heartwarming to hear one of her students share a “Bonnie” story. Her older students, those now in their 20s, tell stories of her pulling their first tooth while at school; each of her students have wonderful memories, so many great stories they will cherish forever! One of her very young students shared their story of Bonnie soothing their bee sting, again while at school, the stories could go on and on ... they are endless. She was truly an amazing woman! Our beautiful Bonnie loved to dance, she would encourage everyone around her to dance with her. We will always cherish our Valley Home Valentine, our very special “Valentine Cupid”.
Our Valley Home School and our Valley Home community has honored our sweet Bonnie in many ways since her untimely passing. Our school gym/multi-purpose room now bears the name “The Bonnie Gellerman Multi Purpose Room”. Our school continues the tradition started by last year’s eighth grade class with “Bonnie’s Closet” – a very special place that houses donated clothing and essentials on campus. All are welcome to what they need; it is always private and confidential. For information, please contact eighth grade teacher, Holly Benkula, at Valley Home School.
This year our community will once again honor our beautiful Bonnie and all who fight cancer by participating in the Relay For Life. Please consider being a part of this very important event! More details to come.
As always, you may contact me by email at winniemullins51@gmail.com or by telephone at 209-985-5233.
Until next time, “Happy Trails To All!”