We definitely need the rain ... but the spring-like weather we are enjoying is so very nice! Here in Valley Home it is one of the most beautiful times of the year. The almond blossoms are in full bloom; what a glorious sight! For some, although they love seeing the beautiful branches covered in pretty delicate blooms, it is a beautiful season but a season that can be difficult for allergy sufferers. The beautiful pinkish white blossoms can bring both beauty and allergies to some. For each of you I hope you can find a way to enjoy the amazing beauty God has set before us. What a beautiful sight for us to behold! Yes, there are other places, towns and communities that have these beautiful blossoms but here in Valley Home we are blessed with hundreds and hundreds of blossoms this month. I hope each of you will have the opportunity to go for a relaxing drive throughout our community and enjoy God’s beautiful handiwork!
We are excited to share with you the hard work and dedication of two of our Valley Home School fifth graders.
Miss Ashlan McCurley won first place with her jazz solo. The spotlight was on Miss Ashlan as she danced her way to an amazing victory! Among her proud supporters were her mom and dad, Waylon and Angelica McCurley. Miss Ashlan is a student in Mrs. Stewart’s fifth grade class at Valley Home School.
Also last weekend Miss Millie Cox enjoyed a very successful gymnastics competition in Las Vegas, Nevada! Miss Millie was excited to have her big brothers Cody and Cooper Bartholomew and her cousin Jenna Heaton among her supporters. Miss Millie is also a student in Mrs. Stewart’s fifth grade class at Valley Home School.
It was a busy week for our Valley Home Students as our seventh and eighth graders went on a wonderful fun ski trip to the mountains. It is exciting to see our students enjoying themselves once again! Also this week, on Friday evening the kids enjoyed a new tradition. They held a fun, friendship filled evening and danced the night away in the park. What great fun they had together! A very special “Thank You” to all who made these fun events possible for our students.
Please remember to let me know about your special events, family gatherings, happenings from the past ... really anything you would like to share; I would love to put it in our Valley Home column.
I hope each one of you has a very happy and blessed week ahead!
As always you may reach me by email at winniemullins51@gmail.com or by telephone at 209-985-5233.
Until next time, “Happy Trails to All!”