Congratulations to one of the happiest and most proud grandmas I know! I know Marg seems way too young to be a grandmother but it’s true; on January 15th our Oakdale Leader Editor, Marg Jackson, became grandma to a beautiful little princess, Lorelei Alice Wendland. I can tell you she is thrilled beyond words! Precious little Lorelei was born at 4:37 a.m. on January 15th! She weighed 7 pounds 2 ounces and was 20 inches long. Marg’s words ... “She’s Perfect!” Sweet little Lorelei is the beautiful daughter of Ally and Judd Wendland. What an amazing blessing she is!
This week we would like to send an invitation to everyone to come out and support our Valley Home 4-Hers! Valley Home 4-H will be holding their annual Valentine’s Live Auction this Tuesday. It will be held at 7:00 p.m. on February 1st! Come join the fun at our Valley Home Community Park. Our 4-Hers would appreciate your support very much. The kids would appreciate any donations of items for the auction and also would be grateful for those who might consider coming that evening and bidding on items. They have worked hard gathering items to be auctioned off! Please note if you do bid on items, please make payments with cash or check only. Valley Home 4-H is a non-profit 4-H Club program. The 4-H Motto is “To Make The Best Better!” At every monthly club meeting the 4-Hers stand together and say the 4-H Pledge before starting their meeting agenda. The 4-H Pledge is: “I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service, my health to better living, for my club, my community, my country and my world.”
4-H teaches leadership, community service, teamwork, record keeping, public speaking, cooking, baking, poultry, animal care and fair projects, crafts, gardening, outdoor adventure and much, much more. Our 4-Hers work hard during the year; they dedicate themselves to “Making the Best Better!” Please consider coming out on Tuesday, February 1st to support our Valley Home 4-Hers. A huge Thank You to all who make this special night possible!
I would like to end this week’s column with a heartfelt “Thank you” again for all the well wishes and the birthday wishes; I deeply appreciate each and every one of them! I am recovering well from the heart attack; your prayers helped me so much. I am blessed! I would also like to send a special “Thank you” to my dear friend Kay Martinelli for surprising me with the most beautiful flowers and most delicious home grown Knights Ferry lemons; our family enjoyed them very, very much!
As always you may contact me by email at or by telephone at 209-985-5233.
Until next time, “Happy Trails to All!”