We have exciting news; a very special young man turned four years old last week. Heston Worley is growing up so fast; I think before we know it, he’s going to be all grown up! Heston’s beautiful mom Emily grew up in Valley Home. Heston is the grandson of proud grandparents Kathy and Phillip Shepherd of Valley Home. Happy Birthday, Heston!
This week we send Happy Anniversary wishes to a very special couple. Adam and Kim French celebrated 24 years of togetherness ... and 17 years of a beautiful married life! Although this amazing couple have been through some storms, they are strong, grateful, and appreciate God’s tremendous mercies every day. They enjoyed an amazing weekend together in Santa Cruz and now are back to being mom and dad to sons Collin and Micah. Kim is a teacher and Adam is a firefighter; we appreciate and love these two amazing people very much. May God bless you both with many, many more happy years of wedded bliss!
Also this week we are excited to say Happy Anniversary to our birthday boy Heston’s grandparents. We send our best wishes to Phillip and Kathy Shepherd on their amazing 34 years of marriage! Kathy and Phillip have always been strong supporters of our school, our community and all events and activities here in Valley Home. For me personally, I keep Kathy’s phone number on speed dial in my phone ... that is how much I count on this amazing woman. Kathy and Phillip are always there for those of us who sometimes need and deeply appreciate their advice and knowledge. Kathy is a nurse, Phillip worked for PG&E. We love you both. May God Bless you with many, many more years of wedded happiness!
Our Stanislaus County Supervisor Buck Condit’s beautiful wife Kim celebrated a very happy birthday this past week. As usual these two very special people enjoyed an amazing and fun filled birthday celebration! Kim we all love you, and appreciate you so much. Thank you for all the extra time you spend on community events for all of us. Happy Birthday, Kim!
A huge “Thank You!” to all who worked so hard to make our Valley Home School Book Fair such a success.
Our Valley Home sixth graders and their awesome teacher, Jimena Meza, are back from sixth grade science camp. The kids had a great time; they had so much fun and enjoyed several learning adventures! Welcome home to our sixth grade students and Ms. Meza.
Important dates; please mark your calendar and we will have more information to come.
Wednesday, October 12 Valley Home School lockdown training.
Wednesday, October 12 Valley Home MAC Meeting.
Saturday, October 22 Valley Home School/Community Harvest Fall Festival.
As always, you may reach me by email at winniemullins51@gmail.com or by telephone at 209-985-5233.
Until next time, “Happy Trails to All!”