We are heartbroken with the terrible loss of life; these horrific fires have devastated families, and have shattered communities! Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone impacted by this fire season. Our deepest appreciation to every firefighter out there working in these extremely dangerous conditions, may God be with you all. On a very personal note, our Valley Home community is very saddened to learn of the loss of the beautiful Dardanelle Resort. Many folks here in Valley Home have for many years, enjoyed having a family cabin at the Dardanelle’s. These cabins were more than just a place to visit; they were a second home filled with so much love. So many families in Valley Home have lost so much, our hearts are heavy. We end our column with a special thank you to Chuck and Cindy Fleisher for your hospitality and welcoming smiles over the years. You made the beautiful Dardanelle Resort a second home to so many!
God Bless and keep your mighty hand on our firefighters working in these very dangerous conditions.