Please keep praying for our Oakdale Police Officer who was hit by a vehicle, by accident, while helping at an accident scene along West F Street last week! This seems like a very good time to once again let our First Responders know how very much they are appreciated each and every day!
This week we are excited to send huge congratulations to a very deserving Valley Home girl. Maddie Jones, you are amazing! Maddie won Reserve Champion Market Berkshire Barrow at the prestigious California Youth Ag Exposition. Maddie has worked extremely hard to prepare for this incredible show that is held on the west coast! Maddie is especially thankful to her breeder, Bailey Terra. She sends a huge “Thank You” to her parents Lisa and Jason Jones and to her boyfriend Josh for their amazing support! Maddie is especially thankful to Josh’s family Catrina Ludwig and Robert Ludwig for coming out to watch her show. It was a very special weekend for Maddie. She is extremely grateful to all who helped make this weekend possible! Maddie has always given 100 percent to everything she has done. We are very, very proud of our beautiful hard working Valley Home girl. Maddie, your dedication and hard work has definitely paid off; congratulations!
Happy Birthday to a very special Valley Home man, Russ Carpenter! Russ is truly one of the nicest people I know. He is always ready to lend a helping hand, he’s always there for any of us that have a need. Russ and his family are well known over many, many years for everything they have done for Valley Home. We hope you had a wonderful birthday, Russ!
We are so happy to send the very best wishes to Byron and Dardelee Farquer on 32 years of wedded bliss! Byron and Dardelee were married 32 years ago in Dardelee’s hometown of Shelby, Montana in the beautiful Community United Methodist Church. The couple has two sons, Colton and Caden, and now also have a beautiful daughter-in-law; Colton and Cierra were married earlier this year. We wish Byron and Dardelee many, many more happy years ahead. God Bless this amazing Valley Home family!
Our Valley Home National Night Out Celebration was very well attended! It was indeed a wonderful community gathering. We offer a very special Thank You to our Stanislaus County First Responders, Sheriff Jeff Dirkse and his wife Sandi, Air 101 Pilot Seamour, FTO Kyle, Deputy Cody Cheary, Stanislaus County Public Works Bill Martins and his crew, Mosquito Abatement Wakoli Wekesa PhD, Fire, CJ, Jeremy and Steven, CHP Officer Olsen, Stanislaus County Supervisor Buck Condit and his wife Kim. You are all appreciated so much! Our night was very special because you came to share it with us. We were very excited by a surprise visit from the magnificent and very cool Valley Home Hawk! What a special night in Valley Home; the evening ended with a delightful movie at dusk shown on the big screen, with delicious buttery popcorn for all. Thank you, Dennis and Donna McCutcheon, the movie was definitely enjoyed by all. A huge thanks to everyone for the delicious food and all who made this evening possible; we live in a very special community!
Please remember Thursday, August 11 at 10am our Fire Board will meet at our Valley Home Fire Station. Please come, share your thoughts and get the latest updates and information. I hope to see you there!
The first day of our Valley Home School was an exciting day for all! Our very popular Valley Home Hawk flew in for a visit, the students loved the beautiful balloon arch that greeted them as they entered the school; it was a great day for our Valley Home School. Thank you to our Valley Home PTC for the amazing Ice Cream Social the evening before school started; you are so much appreciated! A huge thank you to our Superintendent Mr. Bill Slikker ... it’s going to be a great year!
We end our column this week with tons of “Get Well Soon” wishes to our dear friend and neighbor, Christina Barretto; Christina, feel better soon!
As always you may contact me by email at or by telephone at 209-985-5233.
Until next time, “Happy Trails to All!”