I hope each one of you is having a really good week. In today’s column I would like to once again share a small part of our beautiful Valley Home Park history!
What a great blessing it is that we all share ownership of this amazing treasure. Each one of us are owners of this special little community park! We are especially thankful to those who many years ago worked so hard to create this wonderful legacy! Townsfolks, and many others, including our Valley Home 4-H Club, tried so hard to save our beloved Community Club House ... but despite all their efforts it could not be saved, so they turned their efforts to creating a place where the community could hold events and gather. Their hard work resulted in our beautiful Valley Home Park! Our Valley Home Community Park was dedicated on a sunny Saturday afternoon; on June 18th, 2011. It is one of the few parks in the entire state that is completely and solely owned by its citizens! We are all so proud of this very special treasure. For the last several years, our community has come together to raise funds to support and maintain our amazing little park. Due to COVID we have not been able to hold as many fundraisers as we really needed to. We are so thankful to the Cornett family for the generous donation of the much needed water tank! We very much appreciate each of those folks who work so hard all year round to take care of and to maintain our park; mowing, pruning weed control, sprinkler repairs, well and pump maintenance, electrical, the list goes on and on ... we are truly grateful! Our fundraising efforts not only pay for maintenance and repairs but also pays for PG&E, Taxes, Insurance, and miscellaneous expenses. Please if you are able, please join me in supporting our beautiful little community park ... details for our next fundraiser will be shared very, very soon. What a great blessing our beautiful Valley Home Community Park is to all of us!
As always, you may contact me by email at winniemullins51@gmail.com or by telephone at 209-985-5233.
Until next time, “Happy Trails to All!”