If the current storm drain construction project in Oakdale proves successful, the city may have seen the last of Lake Randy Plaza that always seems to drown the roadway during rainy days, creating driving hazards and costly repairs in the aftermath.
City Council members approved the $343,312.37 project in July that enabled the city to repair the existing infrastructure in a joint effort with The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). The city will fund 30 percent ($118,293.71) of the repair and Caltrans will pick up the remaining 70 percent.
The area is well-known by locals for flooding during moderate to heavy rainstorms. According to city documents, city staff worked with Caltrans to design a French drain detention vessel to be placed in the Caltrans right of way under the sidewalk at Randy Plaza. The holding vessel will be approximately six feet in diameter by 220 feet long. The storm drain line crossing West F Street will be straightened and increased in size at Lambuth Avenue. The sidewalk and driveways adjacent to Randy Plaza will be replaced as part of the project as well.
Most businesses will remain open during construction but residents should expect some congestion with the heavy equipment in place.
The city will have multiple street projects ongoing for the next 60 days, trying to finish the majority of the scheduled road projects before the rainy season begins.