Efforts to support America’s entrepreneurs during the COVID-19 crisis have increased to include the nation’s littlest tycoons, according to the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC). The Country Time company has announced that it will be sending out $100 “bailout” checks to youngsters who operate lemonade stands in summer. Its “Littlest Bailout” initiative focuses on kids under the age of 14 whose businesses have suffered due to safe-distancing and face mask regulations. Says the company: “We know this will be a rough summer for lemonade stands. And if the big guys are getting bailed out, why shouldn’t we help the littlest entrepreneurs get the same treatment?” The boys and girls can apply at https://www.countrytimebailout.com/ by sending in an essay describing how they will spend the money and photos of their stands.
Relief For The Littlest Entrepreneurs