The 2021 Stanislaus County Fairgrounds Summer of Fun FoodMaxx Arena Series Presented by Coors Light has wound down, and fair officials have issued their thanks to sponsors, supporters, and volunteers who made this year’s Fair a rousing success. During July, the Stanislaus County Fairgrounds put on seven nights of sellout events at the FoodMaxx Arena that provided entertainment and thrills for the whole family.
The Arena Series began with an exciting long weekend of Super Pulls, Tractor Pulls, and Dirt Drags. On July 16 and 17, Destruction Derby Mayhem and Annihilation amped up the crowds with extreme vehicular showdowns. The Fair’s last arena series was the Malicious Monster Truck Tour Presented by the Modesto Nuts. The Tour also gave kids a once-in-a-lifetime chance to go on Monster Truck rides.
Before and after every event, the popular Kids Dental Fair Food Bites Stations provided the energy and sustenance supporters needed to beat the heat. Just like years past, fairgoers were able to savor their favorite fair food with their family and friends. Staples like VFW Auxiliary, Space Age Corn Dog and Curly Fries, Country Fair Cinnamon Rolls, and Duggan’s Kettle Corn were there to satisfy the hungriest of customers.
The 2021 Junior Livestock Auction’s proceeds were over $1.1 million. The Livestock kids “put in an incredible effort” this year, noted officials. While this year’s auction total was down 30 percent from 2019’s $1.6 million, all involved said it was great to be back in the barns. A special ‘Thank You’ and recognition needs to go out to all of the volunteers that helped make this year’s Livestock Program a success. Without their help, it would not have happened.
The Pop-Up Palooza was also a major hit with Fair attendees. Hey Turlock! and Grandma’s Treasures of Denair hosted pop-ups filled with antiques, crafts, and treasures of all kinds. The pop-ups gave fairgoers the chance to browse around and find collectibles in a fun, communal shopping experience.
The Christmas in July Toy Drive allowed the first 250 customers on each night of the Summer of Fun to bring in an unwrapped toy in exchange for a free ticket. The toys donated will be given to deserving children in Turlock and surrounding areas during the Salvation Army and Turlock Together’s Christmas Food and Toy Distribution on Dec. 18, 2021.
With the help of sponsors, supporters, and volunteers, the 2021 Stanislaus County Fairgrounds Summer of Fun FoodMaxx Arena Series Presented by Coors Light exceeded all expectations. A special thanks to the Turlock Lions and their $15,000 donation to make this year’s Destruction Derby possible.
“We look forward to seeing everyone again next year for a bigger, better Fair in 2022,” said fair leaders.
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The mission of the Stanislaus County Fair is to provide a family and community-oriented experience promoting agriculture, entertainment, and technology. For more information about the Stanislaus County Fair, visit the website at