Oakdale High School is Class of ’63 is planning its 60-year Class Reunion in October of 2023. Organizers are currently seeking the addresses of the several individuals to connect with their classmates for the upcoming celebration. If you know any way to contact the following people, please reach out via email to Cheryl Dodd-Roche at cjroche@att.net.
Those being sought are: Roland Armstrong, Judy Bates, Lee Beldon, Mark Belletto, Sammy Bernal, John Blan, Marcita Brink Rogers, John Brescia, Sara Brockman, Gerald Bryant, Linda Burch, Ruby Burch, Barbara Buerer, Don Baker, Gale Baker, Shirley Cambria, Keith Cordray, Janet Cochran, Rodney Compton, Melba Cooper, Evelyn Daniels, Linda Davis, Gary Davis, Violet Davis, Grace DePalma, Diane DiCarlo, Lloyd Denton, Gay Dunn, Darlene Durham, Patty Dustin, Sharon Dutra, Peggy Frazier, Paul Frobose, Felix Garcia, Virginia Garcia, Charles Gardner, Bridgette Gonzales, Margaret Goshorn, Larry Graham, Buddy Gray, George Griggs, Glenn Harless, Barbara Gunderson, Dunda Haraldsdottin, Paula Harper, Robert Hendrix, Glenda Heath, Meredith Hawkins Gatzmon, Donna Hill, Vicki Heffner.
Also, Tony Iriqui, Linda Howard, Steve Hofmann, Grace Johnson, Clifford Kerr, Bruce Kiker, Fred King, Cheryl Kirk, Joseph Kent, June Lathrop, Patti Levaggi, Dick Lewis, Richard Lewis, Linda Kitchens, Richard Kohls, Joe Lombardo, John Lopez, Betty Lyerly, Diane Maciel, Delphine Martin, Eugene Martin, Mickey Martin, Tony Martinez, Edythe Meyer, Sue Molloy, Jackie Moore, Pat Mifflin, Mike Montoya, Steve Moreno, Nawana McCarty, Carol McElroy, Elwanda New (Brown), Loretta Payne, Kathie Roberts Gibson, Allen Scharli, Sid Royse, Bill Rush, Jim Rutherford, Marcille Pierce, Larry Poole. Carol Riggs, Bob Prater, Phillip Prestridge, Kay Pruit, Donald Riley, William Ritts, Ramana Shoemake, Pam Simons, Billy Smallwood, Richard Smith, Pat Spurgeon, Gail Struxness, Richard Steele, Linda Stites, Mike Sweedenberg, Rick Thomas, Rodney Thomasson, Besim Tibukoglu, Peter Ugalde, Ed Van Dyke, Roy Vautier, Frank Vierra, Eva Viado, Tony Vierra, Lyndell Wade, Peggy Ward, Ron Washburn, Warren Weaver, Gene Wey, Pat White, Jerry Horton, Arnold Webb, Robert Wells, John Willis, Joanie Witt, Christine Wyatt, Ron Youngers, Barbara Youngman-Parker.