U.S. Representative Jeff Denham (R-Turlock) has announced the winner of the 2016 10th Congressional Art Competition at a reception held at the Mistlin Art Gallery in Modesto. Nairobi Mellow of Turlock, a Pitman High School sophomore, received the grand prize for her artwork, “Those That Stomp.”
The second place prize was presented to Andres Mora, a Riverbank High School student for his piece, “Still Life of a Shell.” Gyuha Hwang, a Turlock resident from Turlock Christian, took home the third place award for her work titled “Doesn’t Stop.”
Winner Mellow’s artwork will hang alongside winning submissions from across the country in the United States Capitol Building for the next year as part of the national exhibition. Her piece will be featured in the Cannon tunnels, where members of Congress and thousands of visitors will view it as they enter the U.S. Capitol. As the winner of the competition, she will also be invited to Washington, D.C., this summer to be honored at a reception for winning students inside the U.S. Capitol Building, where the National Winner will be announced.
As the 10th district’s second and third place winners, Mora and Hwang will have their artwork displayed in Rep. Denham’s Modesto office.
The winners of this year’s art competition were determined through two rounds of voting. All submissions to the contest were made available for public voting on Facebook, allowing 10th district residents to participate in the recognition of the talent of local high school students. The top five pieces, as determined by votes in the public forum, were then judged by a panel of local judges, and the final three submissions were awarded accordingly. The contest included 23 submissions from students across the district, including Modesto, Tracy, Turlock, Ceres, Riverbank and Ripon.
Photos of this year’s submissions can be seen on Rep. Denham’s Facebook page