After seven months of gathering input and a comprehensive review of the future needs of Stanislaus County, the Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG) is ready to present the four proposed alternatives for the Valley Vision Stanislaus plan; a long range regional transportation plan that will provide the framework for investment in roads, freeways, public transit, bike trails and other ways people move around the county for the next 28 years.
“These four alternatives represent different investment options tied to land use patterns to address our county’s future transportation needs,” said StanCOG Executive Director Carlos Yamzon. “We are looking forward to receiving input from the public, stakeholders and member agencies to help determine which one best meets the goals of our region.”
Three workshops will be held to give the public an opportunity to review the alternatives and provide comments.
They will be held: Wednesday, Aug. 14, City of Patterson, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.; Tuesday, Aug. 20, City of Oakdale, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Bianchi Community Center, 110 S. Second Ave., Oakdale; and Tuesday, Aug. 27, City of Ceres, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
The first alternative forecasts future development following historic growth trends. The second is based on the current General Plans of each jurisdiction in the county. Slightly more compact growth is considered in the third alternative while the fourth projects much more compact development in the future. Each growth pattern influences the need and type of future transportation investments. The development of the alternatives was heavily influenced by a comprehensive outreach effort, which included a series of workshops and presentations to the cities of Ceres, Hughson, Modesto, Newman, Oakdale, Patterson, Riverbank, Turlock and Waterford; and the County of Stanislaus as well as to several community groups. In addition, surveys, community presentations eNewsletters and the development of a project website were developed and presented as part of this effort. Thousands of residents, businesses and stakeholders were contacted and participated to help shape the scenarios.
The Valley Vision Stanislaus Plan, which includes environmental review, is expected to be completed by spring of 2014. For additional information about this effort visit the project website at or contact Jaylen French, Valley Vision Stanislaus Project Manager at (209) 525-4600 or via email at
StanCOG is the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Stanislaus Region as designated by the Federal government, and the Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) as designated by the State of California. It is responsible for developing and updating a variety of transportation plans and for allocating the federal and state funds to implement them. While regional transportation planning is its primary role, StanCOG is also involved in other issues that affect the entire region such as air quality. StanCOG provides the forum that brings mayors, city council members and county supervisors together to work on regional issues in a setting that promotes the involvement of the public in the planning process for the Stanislaus region.