Story Time Sessions will continue through July.
Preschool Story Time is every Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. Books, flannel board stories, finger play, and music, geared for preschoolers, ages 3-6, and caregivers.
Wiggle Worms Story Time is now twice each Wednesday, 10 and 11 a.m. Enjoy stories, music, dancing, rhythm activities, and finger play at this special program perfect for ages up to 3, and their caregivers.
Our Summer Reading Challenge for all ages heats up in July. Read books you love, join us for fun activities and programs, and turn in entries for our great prize drawings, including four bicycles and a Cozy Coupe, gift cards, gift baskets and more, donated largely by the Friends of the Oakdale Library.
Ventriloquist Tony Borders will be with us on Monday, July 2, at 1 p.m. Set sail with Tony and his crew of puppets in a fun, imaginative show featuring a talkative drawing, magic with music, and cool critters from around the world. All are welcome, admission is free.
Also, related to our “Reading Takes You Everywhere!” Summer Reading Program, we will be hosting an exciting Blast Of Fast Event. Join us for an hour of competition and fun. Complete the challenge activities in less than a minute and beat the clock. Time starts counting down on Thursday, July 12, at 3 p.m. Kids, Teens, and Families will have a great “time!”
Our Computer Classes for Adults will be focused on “Basics” this month, July 3, 10, and 17. These classes begin at 10:30 a.m. If you are interested in some experience with Microsoft Word, you will want to join our class on Thursday, July 12, at 6 p.m. Please call the Library for info and be sure to reserve your space. Each session is limited to four people. Call 209-847-4204.
We will have two Lego Days this month on Thursday, July 5 and July 19, at 3 p.m. Kids can unleash their awesome creativity and we will display their masterpieces in the library. Join us for building fun.
Enjoy our new monthly edition of Family Story Time. Come for a special Saturday Story Time experience on July 14, at 10 a.m. Books, music, finger plays and more. This is a wonderful opportunity for families who miss out on our regular weekday Story Time to share the full experience together.
Our Wee Move And Play program, featuring unstructured imaginative play for little ones, 5 and under, will be Monday, July 16 and July 30. Parents can help their children learn social skills and have fun at the same time. Join us at 11 a.m. both days.
Teen Craft/Book Club is back. Come talk about your favorite books this month and we’ll be using our creative sides to design our own Manga Bookmarks. Tuesday, July 10, at 3 p.m., is the date and time.
Our Children’s Craft this month will feature an “anything goes” Craft-a-Palooza event. Choose from a wide array of crafts from the past, and crafts yet undone. Make one here or take one to go. There will be a great assortment of fun to do on July 18, at 3:30 p.m.
Shark Week! is coming. Be on the watch for sharks hiding in the library and enter a guess in our Ocean Counting Jar to reel-in a prize. We’ll be riding the waves July 23 through July 28.
Our Library Book Club will be reading “The Tenth Circle” and meeting to discuss and share on Tuesday, July 24, at 11:30 a.m. Sign out your copy at the Library and join us. New members welcome.
The Friends of the Oakdale Library are the main sponsors of so many of our great programs and prizes, including our gift baskets given to Adult Summer Reading drawing winners. The Friends constantly promote and encourage the great gift of literacy at all levels for everyone. The Friends will hold their monthly meeting on Monday, July 23 at 1:30 p.m. Forms to join and info are available at the Oakdale Library, or call 209-847-4204.