It was a busy week of sharing science and findings through study and experimentation for students of the 95361 this past week.
On Wednesday, April 25 both Knights Ferry Elementary as well as Oakdale Joint Unified Elementary and Junior High schools hosted their annual Science Fair events.
“This is a new event for Knights Ferry School, or at least in my time,” school Superintendent Dr. Janet Skulina (Dr. J) shared. “It was organized by Melissa Holcomb, a retired Knights Ferry School teacher. She has coordinated a science enrichment program for us this year including the science fair.”
According to Dr. J all students of the school took part, totaling 144 participants. Students in grades kindergarten to second grade submitted class projects, while the upper grades were required to participate with individual or group projects.
The OJUSD student body maintained its participation with close to 200 projects submitted. The projects were available for viewing at the FES Hall last Wednesday evening, April 25. Many of the scientists were on hand to both greet and inform visitors of their findings.
Magnolia third grader Audrey Clark, a fourth year participant, experimented with the notion of breaking down a water molecule. Using soda carbonation as inspiration, the third grader used baking soda as an aid.
“I learned that I could break apart a water molecule by using electricity,” Audrey stated.
According to Fair Oaks Vice Principal and Science Fair Coordinator Jennifer Davis, there was an increase in group projects over individual projects this year. Approximately 35 of the projects submitted qualified to continue on to the Stanislaus County Science Fair.
Awards night for the annual Oakdale event will be hosted this evening, Wednesday, March 2 at 7 p.m.