With Friday, May 25 fast approaching, organizers of the annual graduation night ‘Sober Grad’ event for Oakdale High School seniors are looking for some last minute help.
There is always a need for volunteers to help staff the variety of activities set up for graduates on the campus of Sierra View Elementary School, and there has also been a letter sent out to potential donors for a number of needed items. The all-inclusive party for members of the Class of 2018 goes all night and attendees have access to food and beverages, games, prize drawings, music and plenty of fun activities to share with their fellow classmates.
“Our event is awesome, it is such a great event,” said one of this year’s coordinators Tiffany Neave. “Every kid is invited, no one is left out.”
The goal of the Sober Grad event is to give students a place to share their final night of high school together, making memories in a safe and sober environment.
Henna tattoos, a hypnotist, laser tag … those are just a few of the activities set up for the kids to enjoy.
“It is so worth it,” Neave added, both of the effort to plan the event and the $50 pre-sale cost of the ticket. The price goes up to $60 at the door but that does include all the activities and food.
Neave said many of the committee members have worked on Sober Grad for several years and some of them don’t have a graduate this year – in fact many no longer have students at the school – but they believe in the program and want to see it continue.
Students can start arriving at 10 p.m. on Friday night, May 25 and must be in by the time the doors are closed at 11 p.m.
Events go all night, wrapping up with the hypnotist, and the party ends at 5 a.m.
“We just give them activities like crazy,” Neave explained, “we have everything from a DJ to a casino environment, game rooms, prizes. They are not bored.”
A major donation has come in from Chicken Ranch Casino, along with financial support from Gilton, MID and OID.
“The event costs about $30,000 when you figure in prizes, insurance, vendors … we definitely need more support,” Neave said.
Neave can be reached at 209-815-0320 for more information on specific needs and volunteer opportunities.