The Oakdale-Escalon-Riverbank-Waterford Relay For Life has its next community event coming up on Saturday, April 7.
That’s the date for the annual Survivor Brunch, which will be hosted at the Oakdale Fire Department station at 325 E. G St., Oakdale, beginning at 10 a.m.
A special feature will be the local firefighters preparing the brunch menu items. This celebration for survivors and their caregivers includes the brunch buffet, raffle prizes, guest speakers, sharing of stories and more.
“Our ‘host’ at the fire station is Kevin Wise, Stanislaus Consolidated Fire Battalion Chief and a two-time cancer survivor,” said Marilyn Boatright, a co-chair of the Survivor Committee for this year’s event. “The guest speaker is Michelle Nunn, a now-retired Sierra View Elementary School ‘Teacher of the Year,’ a Stanislaus County finalist for ‘Teacher of the Year’ and winner of the School Bell Award in 2016. Michelle is a breast cancer survivor.”
For more information about the brunch, contact Boatright at 209-845-0888 or 209-604-3503.
Meanwhile, teams are still being sought for this year’s Oakdale-Escalon-Riverbank-Waterford Relay For Life. The event will be hosted Saturday and Sunday, May 5 and 6 at the Oakdale High School soccer fields, bringing together teams from the communities for one centralized 24-hour American Cancer Society fundraising event. The next meeting for Team Captains is scheduled for Wednesday, April 18 at 6:30 p.m. at the Oak Valley Medical Plaza, 1425 H St., Oakdale.
Relay participants will also gather in their respective communities on Saturday, April 21 to ‘Paint The Town Purple’ by tying purple ribbons around trees, sign posts and more to help advertise the upcoming Relay.