The Stanislaus County Department of Environmental Resources will hold a meeting at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 20 at the Gene Bianchi Community Center, 110 So. Second Ave., Oakdale to consider a request to issue a Stanislaus County Food Processing By-product Use permit to JND Thomas Co., Inc. for the land application of food processing by-products.
Interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. Material submitted to Stanislaus County for consideration such as photos, petitions, etc. will be retained by the county.
This permit is a second permit that was filed after certain properties owned by Oakdale rancher John Brichetto were removed from the original permit when Oakdale community members vocalized their concerns of spreading Con Agra’s by-product pond mud near their properties.
This project includes the land-application of by-product mud dredged from the 10-acre ConAgra facility aerated pond and by-product rinse mud to be utilized as soil amendments on active farmland and orchards.
Project includes the following locations:
ConAgra Facility (generator of food processing by-products as a soil amendment) - 554 So. Yosemite Ave, Oakdale APNs 063-024-002, 063-024-008, 063-024-009, and 063-024-020.
There are five parcels proposed for land application located in the unincorporated areas of the county. The Land Application Sites are as follows: Parcel 1(a): Ellenwood Road, west side of road, Waterford (also known as 3000 Crow Road, Oakdale) – APN 015-003-004; Parcel 1(b): Ellenwood Road, east side of road, Oakdale (also known as 4000 Ellenwood, Oakdale) – APN 015-081-048; [Parcel 2: Voluntarily removed from the project]; Parcel 3(a): 28 Mile Road, east side of road, Valley Home – APN 002-009-005; Parcel 3(b): Sonora Road, south side of road, Oakdale – APN 002-021-011; Parcel 3(c): Frankenheimer Road, west side of road, Oakdale – APN 002-021-048.
The Public Comment Period will run from Jan. 13 through Feb. 11, 2010. All documents are available for review at 3800 Cornucopia Way, Suite C, Modesto and online at
For further information see the Notice of Public Meeting in the classified pages of this issue of The Leader. For more information about the project, contact Vicki Jones, Sr. Resource Management Specialist at the Stanislaus County Dept. of Environmental Resources at (209) 525-6710.