The Teen/Adult Craft for September at the Oakdale Library will be “Guitar Pick Art.” Crafters will use a guitar pick punch to cut out picks from old gift cards and then fashion them into a necklace, keychain, or any unique creation. The activity is scheduled at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 13.
Talk Like A Pirate Week is on the horizon. Stop by the library anytime Sept. 18 through 22, and search for Polly the Parrot to get a prize. Take a guess at how much treasure is in the counting jar, and on Thursday, Sept. 21, at 3:30 p.m., little pirates can make a pirate hat, marshmallow cannon, and noodle boat. “Ahoy Mateys!”
The regular Library Book Club will be reading “Hotel on the Corner of Bitter & Sweet” and then meeting to discuss and share on Tuesday, Sept. 26, at 11:30 a.m. You can sign out a copy at the Library and join in. New members are always welcome.
The Children’s Library Area will have an inviting display of AR literature (Accelerated Reading) available for checkout now that school has resumed. Many of the library’s collection are included in the AR lists, but these will have their reading level clearly noted for easy selection. All are encouraged to stop by over the next couple of weeks and pick out a book.
The Friends of the Oakdale Library are the main sponsors of many of the local branch programs and prizes. They constantly promote and encourage the great gift of literacy at all levels for everyone. The Friends will gather for their monthly meeting on Sept. 25 at 1:30 p.m. Forms to join and info are available at the Oakdale Library, or call 847-4204.